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Meet Single Australian man from Perth

Age: 47 y.o, man, Single
Location: Australia, Western Australia, Perth
Zodiac sign: Gemini (check compatibility)
Status: Unverified

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People Near serville77

Age: 52 y.o. 
182 cm (6' 0'')
80 kg (178 lbs)
Age: 42 y.o. 
193 cm (6' 4'')
96 kg (213 lbs)
Age: 60 y.o. 
183 cm (6' 0'')
116 kg (258 lbs)
Age: 41 y.o. 
167 cm (5' 6'')
40 kg (89 lbs)
Age: 29 y.o. 
176 cm (5' 9'')
64 kg (142 lbs)
Age: 53 y.o. 
178 cm (5' 10'')
90 kg (200 lbs)
Age: 59 y.o. 
187 cm (6' 2'')
90 kg (200 lbs)
Age: 39 y.o. 
180 cm (5' 11'')
80 kg (178 lbs)
Age: 52 y.o.
182 cm (6' 0'')
80 kg (178 lbs)
Age: 42 y.o.
193 cm (6' 4'')
96 kg (213 lbs)
Age: 60 y.o.
183 cm (6' 0'')
116 kg (258 lbs)
Age: 41 y.o.
167 cm (5' 6'')
40 kg (89 lbs)
Age: 29 y.o.
176 cm (5' 9'')
64 kg (142 lbs)
Age: 53 y.o.
178 cm (5' 10'')
90 kg (200 lbs)
Age: 59 y.o.
187 cm (6' 2'')
90 kg (200 lbs)
Age: 39 y.o.
180 cm (5' 11'')
80 kg (178 lbs)
serville77 Preferences
I want you to use your imagination
  • Australia
  • Marriage (Lifelong relationship, family, children)
About myself

About Me

Male 34 Australia

Sorry but if youve got no photo up then dont ask for a chat,I think its fair and i wonder as to why someone would feel the need to hide from an internet site?

And to the odd one who wants to tell me im strange?

lol cmon,

If youve not yet figured out why it is your not finding a nice guy in so called normality and pic perfect society,

please dont.

Im actually a real man not a belt notcher and sweet talker,

I dont live off credit cards and i dont put a false face forward.

Im actually living this ride called life:)

Speaking of which,i wrote the black bike off in the photos recently after a car didnt see me so i have to build another:(

did make the news though as im one of the rare cases that surved without damage in a tee and jeans,So ive got a chevy v8 pickup truck now,slightly safer for the time being:)

anyway,primary objective no 1 is someone to communicate with,

Im very open minded and articulate,

I think intelligence is thinking outside of the learnard square so im looking for intelligence slash openess.

love to communicate so try a chat.

Probably the best way of putting it is that im keeping an eye out for a sparkle in the sand,

If you get that comment then were on a similar wave length:)

Im often in malaysia as its my fav place in the world absolutely perfect climate lovely weather and i like it 10 fold over europe:)

no idea what would make a match made in heaven??

someone who doesnt attack and actually genuinely wants happiness in their every day life


?? well pointless blabbing on about wants etc when im not married so if i knew what worked i would already have it.

A word of insight,

Dont judge,


behind a door is not always a room youve seen before and its depth is deceptive judging from the exterior:)

lol i feel like a salesman:)

Things i enjoy.......Well i dont get to ride often but im a pretty handy free style horse rider being raised riding,I enjoy riding my bike from time to time and love the 50's style hence the shape and design of it.

May as well put one bit of foundry in here:)

Someone told me recently that they believe that honesty is very likely the rarest of virtues and i tend to agree with this,

Its a must for me,

It doesnt cause me any discomfort doing it and its a habit im hoping to find in another:)

Give it a go an entire day at first nothing but honesty and offered up info,Boy its addictive in itself.

:) and im no angel too honest for that,just a little round in a square hole.....

What I'm Looking For

loyalty after some time would be nice,someone who is good natured and who sees their partner as just that,their partner.

I would like someone with compassion,being street wise is great but to be cold to all eats at ones soul and looks after a spell.

I'm open really i mean my objective is to see that adoring look in a womans eyes again knowing that there is love,thats the goal.

I cannot be closed minded if this is truly what i desire:)

183 cm (6' 0'')
76 kg (169 lbs)
I'd rather not tell
No, but would like to have
No answer
Let's talk and I'll tell you
Life and work
Let's chat and I'll tell you
I'll answer this in one-on-one communication
This info is available only upon personal request
I'll answer this in one-on-one communication
I prefer not to answer this question
Pernicious habits
No answer

People Near serville77

Age: 52 y.o. 
182 cm (6' 0'')
80 kg (178 lbs)
Age: 42 y.o. 
193 cm (6' 4'')
96 kg (213 lbs)
Age: 60 y.o. 
183 cm (6' 0'')
116 kg (258 lbs)
Age: 41 y.o. 
167 cm (5' 6'')
40 kg (89 lbs)
Age: 29 y.o. 
176 cm (5' 9'')
64 kg (142 lbs)
Age: 53 y.o. 
178 cm (5' 10'')
90 kg (200 lbs)
Age: 59 y.o. 
187 cm (6' 2'')
90 kg (200 lbs)
Age: 39 y.o. 
180 cm (5' 11'')
80 kg (178 lbs)
Age: 52 y.o.
182 cm (6' 0'')
80 kg (178 lbs)
Age: 42 y.o.
193 cm (6' 4'')
96 kg (213 lbs)
Age: 60 y.o.
183 cm (6' 0'')
116 kg (258 lbs)
Age: 41 y.o.
167 cm (5' 6'')
40 kg (89 lbs)
Age: 29 y.o.
176 cm (5' 9'')
64 kg (142 lbs)
Age: 53 y.o.
178 cm (5' 10'')
90 kg (200 lbs)
Age: 59 y.o.
187 cm (6' 2'')
90 kg (200 lbs)
Age: 39 y.o.
180 cm (5' 11'')
80 kg (178 lbs)