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Meet Single American man from Alden

Age: 48 y.o, man, Single
Location: United States, New York, Alden
Zodiac sign: Libra (check compatibility)
Status: Suspended. Required verification

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hundry American  from Alden

People Near hundry

Age: 26 y.o. 
173 cm (5' 8'')
55 kg (122 lbs)
Age: 52 y.o. 
178 cm (5' 10'')
70 kg (156 lbs)
Age: 34 y.o. 
203 cm (6' 8'')
52 kg (116 lbs)
Age: 44 y.o. 
180 cm (5' 11'')
90 kg (200 lbs)
Age: 55 y.o. 
156 cm (5' 1'')
48 kg (107 lbs)
Age: 52 y.o. 
176 cm (5' 9'')
77 kg (171 lbs)
Age: 49 y.o. 
175 cm (5' 9'')
Age: 47 y.o. 
181 cm (5' 11'')
90 kg (200 lbs)
Age: 26 y.o.
173 cm (5' 8'')
55 kg (122 lbs)
Age: 52 y.o.
178 cm (5' 10'')
70 kg (156 lbs)
Age: 34 y.o.
203 cm (6' 8'')
52 kg (116 lbs)
Age: 44 y.o.
180 cm (5' 11'')
90 kg (200 lbs)
Age: 55 y.o.
156 cm (5' 1'')
48 kg (107 lbs)
Age: 52 y.o.
176 cm (5' 9'')
77 kg (171 lbs)
Age: 49 y.o.
175 cm (5' 9'')
Age: 47 y.o.
181 cm (5' 11'')
90 kg (200 lbs)
hundry Preferences
Get in touch with me to find out
  • United States
  • Friendship (friendship and communication; correspondence)
  • Virtual relationships (Chat / talk / e-mail)
  • Dating (Short or long-term relationships, commitments and monogamy)
  • Marriage (Lifelong relationship, family, children)
  • Casual dating (Non-stressful hangouts that occur before you decide you actually want to get serious)
About myself

I consider myself to be very simple. I believe that men needs to be treated with respect and as a equal partner in a relationship, but all I seem to find is the ones that does not know how to respond to that or is untrustworthy to it. I feel like u should treat somebody with respect and like they are a person not a piece of meat or whatever.

I am the type of person who wants somebody to feel wanted not just as a trophy. I am a very affectionate person and I love to cuddle, I like to show somebody how I feel not just telling them. I love to be close to somebody whether it is in the bed on the couch or wherever. I guess my dreams would be is to be happy and have a family my goals in life I want to go into business for my self one day but that will be a while from now. I guess I want to work on my love life and be happy first and to have a family, but I guess when the time is right it will happen. I like to play sports just as much as I do watching them. Most of all i like to spend time with who I am with, and cuddle up and watch a movie. It is my opinion that

we all want the same thing in regards to a partner, and that most of us either do not know how or is scared to and sabotage themselves from getting it. Ok, I like the outdoors, but I don't care about hunting or fishing, well I will fish with an un-baited hook if it means I will get to spend some time with someone I care about. There are a lot of things I like doing as in dancing, cooking, camping, etc. My ultimate goal and what I think would make me happy is to get back on my feet and have a woman by my side that

I love and loves me.

I am very relationship oriented and I believe life is too short to waste.

158 cm (5' 2'')
51 kg (113 lbs)
I'd rather not tell
This info is available only upon personal request
No, but would like to have
Contact me and I'll tell you
No answer
Life and work
I'll tell you all about my qualifications later
No comment
I prefer not to tell
Let's chat and I'll tell you
Email me and I'll tell you
Pernicious habits
Have never used
Not drink at all

People Near hundry

Age: 26 y.o. 
173 cm (5' 8'')
55 kg (122 lbs)
Age: 52 y.o. 
178 cm (5' 10'')
70 kg (156 lbs)
Age: 34 y.o. 
203 cm (6' 8'')
52 kg (116 lbs)
Age: 44 y.o. 
180 cm (5' 11'')
90 kg (200 lbs)
Age: 55 y.o. 
156 cm (5' 1'')
48 kg (107 lbs)
Age: 52 y.o. 
176 cm (5' 9'')
77 kg (171 lbs)
Age: 49 y.o. 
175 cm (5' 9'')
Age: 47 y.o. 
181 cm (5' 11'')
90 kg (200 lbs)
Age: 26 y.o.
173 cm (5' 8'')
55 kg (122 lbs)
Age: 52 y.o.
178 cm (5' 10'')
70 kg (156 lbs)
Age: 34 y.o.
203 cm (6' 8'')
52 kg (116 lbs)
Age: 44 y.o.
180 cm (5' 11'')
90 kg (200 lbs)
Age: 55 y.o.
156 cm (5' 1'')
48 kg (107 lbs)
Age: 52 y.o.
176 cm (5' 9'')
77 kg (171 lbs)
Age: 49 y.o.
175 cm (5' 9'')
Age: 47 y.o.
181 cm (5' 11'')
90 kg (200 lbs)