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Meet Divorced American man from Los Angeles

Age: 57 y.o, man, Divorced
Location: United States, California, Los Angeles
Zodiac sign: Pisces (check compatibility)
Status: Suspended. Required verification

SMS gateway

g1001 American  from Los Angeles

People Near g1001

Age: 44 y.o. 
194 cm (6' 4'')
108 kg (240 lbs)
Age: 52 y.o. 
186 cm (6' 1'')
72 kg (160 lbs)
Age: 37 y.o. 
175 cm (5' 9'')
64 kg (142 lbs)
Age: 36 y.o. 
179 cm (5' 10'')
74 kg (164 lbs)
Age: 54 y.o. 
181 cm (5' 11'')
90 kg (200 lbs)
Age: 32 y.o. 
183 cm (6' 0'')
89 kg (198 lbs)
Age: 44 y.o. 
173 cm (5' 8'')
77 kg (171 lbs)
Age: 38 y.o. 
175 cm (5' 9'')
70 kg (156 lbs)
Age: 44 y.o.
194 cm (6' 4'')
108 kg (240 lbs)
Age: 52 y.o.
186 cm (6' 1'')
72 kg (160 lbs)
Age: 37 y.o.
175 cm (5' 9'')
64 kg (142 lbs)
Age: 36 y.o.
179 cm (5' 10'')
74 kg (164 lbs)
Age: 54 y.o.
181 cm (5' 11'')
90 kg (200 lbs)
Age: 32 y.o.
183 cm (6' 0'')
89 kg (198 lbs)
Age: 44 y.o.
173 cm (5' 8'')
77 kg (171 lbs)
Age: 38 y.o.
175 cm (5' 9'')
70 kg (156 lbs)
g1001 Preferences
I prefer not to answer this question
  • United States
  • Friendship (friendship and communication; correspondence)
  • Virtual relationships (Chat / talk / e-mail)
  • Dating (Short or long-term relationships, commitments and monogamy)
  • Marriage (Lifelong relationship, family, children)
  • Casual dating (Non-stressful hangouts that occur before you decide you actually want to get serious)
About myself

I'm a kind, generous, driven, intelligent, professional, outgoing, good cook, honest, sometimes stubborn, successful, dog owning, poised, sometimes clumsy,

family loving, bitten by the travel bug, reasonable California guys that's looking for someone to enjoy similar interests with...

especially the traveling!

I love my life...I was recently asked by someone to give my life a grade - I answered "a solid B+." There are so many aspects about my life that I love and

look forward to finding the right person to share them with - to take that solid B+ to an amazing A. I love to laugh (and yes,

sometimes those laughs do come at my expense) and I love to explore my surroundings...two things that are best shared with someone special.

Cooking is more fun for two as is competition...I recognize that those two things don't always go hand and hand and I'm not asking for someone that wants to reenact Iron Chef each night...

they are just two aspect of what make me the person I am.

I'm very close with my family...I was raised in a family that has friends that are family and family that are friends and that has continued into my adult

life. I have one sibling - a sister who also is my best friend - but I have a number of cousins that are as close as siblings. There's never a shortage of

bbq invites if I'm feeling up to it. I love to looks forward to the annual "family vacation" each year...we enjoy the company of our

friends and vice a versa.

I mentioned that I'm driven...I have a job that is high stress but also high excitement...and I truly do love it. From the outside it seems too often

people can be intimidated by my success/drive and quickly want to put me in the "workaholic" category. Yes, I work very hard but I've earned everything

I've received and I know how to leave work at work and not let it infiltrate all aspects of my life. My career is intertwined engineering, contructions and commercial real

estate market...the two most valuable lessons I've learned in this economic downturn has been to not allow myself to make my career my sole identity and to

TRULY live a balanced life.

Back to the travel topic - it's a passion of mine. I absolutely love it and it will always be a part of my life. Time away broadens my horizons, renews my appreciation for life and rejuvenates me.

I take a weekend away just about every month - a handful of times a year I go to Northern California to see my friends (I've made it a point to see the less previledged at least every 6 months),and a few other destinations to see loved ones.

My sense of religion and faith are ever evolving. I'm open to talking about it via email or in person but it's too 'complex' to try and summarize into a few sentences feel free to ask any questions you may have.

186 cm (6' 1'')
75 kg (167 lbs)
Send me an e-mail and I'll tell you
To learn about my ethnicity, email me with a personal message.
No, but would like to have
I'll answer this in one-on-one communication
I'll tell you when you contact me
Life and work
To learn about my qualifications, email me with your details.
I'd rather not tell
Please contact me personally if you want to know more about my life priorities.
I prefer not to tell
I prefer not to tell
Pernicious habits
Have never used

People Near g1001

Age: 44 y.o. 
194 cm (6' 4'')
108 kg (240 lbs)
Age: 52 y.o. 
186 cm (6' 1'')
72 kg (160 lbs)
Age: 37 y.o. 
175 cm (5' 9'')
64 kg (142 lbs)
Age: 36 y.o. 
179 cm (5' 10'')
74 kg (164 lbs)
Age: 54 y.o. 
181 cm (5' 11'')
90 kg (200 lbs)
Age: 32 y.o. 
183 cm (6' 0'')
89 kg (198 lbs)
Age: 44 y.o. 
173 cm (5' 8'')
77 kg (171 lbs)
Age: 38 y.o. 
175 cm (5' 9'')
70 kg (156 lbs)
Age: 44 y.o.
194 cm (6' 4'')
108 kg (240 lbs)
Age: 52 y.o.
186 cm (6' 1'')
72 kg (160 lbs)
Age: 37 y.o.
175 cm (5' 9'')
64 kg (142 lbs)
Age: 36 y.o.
179 cm (5' 10'')
74 kg (164 lbs)
Age: 54 y.o.
181 cm (5' 11'')
90 kg (200 lbs)
Age: 32 y.o.
183 cm (6' 0'')
89 kg (198 lbs)
Age: 44 y.o.
173 cm (5' 8'')
77 kg (171 lbs)
Age: 38 y.o.
175 cm (5' 9'')
70 kg (156 lbs)