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Meet Single American man from Burbank

Age: 31 y.o, man, Single
Location: United States, California, Burbank
Zodiac sign: Cancer (check compatibility)
Status: Unverified

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charliec333 American Man from Burbank
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charliec333 American Man from Burbank
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People Near charliec333

Age: 29 y.o. 
186 cm (6' 1'')
86 kg (191 lbs)
Age: 64 y.o. 
180 cm (5' 11'')
90 kg (200 lbs)
Age: 38 y.o. 
171 cm (5' 7'')
71 kg (158 lbs)
Age: 38 y.o. 
190 cm (6' 3'')
98 kg (218 lbs)
Age: 38 y.o. 
193 cm (6' 4'')
119 kg (264 lbs)
Age: 38 y.o. 
177 cm (5' 10'')
81 kg (180 lbs)
Age: 53 y.o. 
187 cm (6' 2'')
91 kg (202 lbs)
Age: 54 y.o. 
187 cm (6' 2'')
85 kg (189 lbs)
Age: 29 y.o.
186 cm (6' 1'')
86 kg (191 lbs)
Age: 64 y.o.
180 cm (5' 11'')
90 kg (200 lbs)
Age: 38 y.o.
171 cm (5' 7'')
71 kg (158 lbs)
Age: 38 y.o.
190 cm (6' 3'')
98 kg (218 lbs)
Age: 38 y.o.
193 cm (6' 4'')
119 kg (264 lbs)
Age: 38 y.o.
177 cm (5' 10'')
81 kg (180 lbs)
Age: 53 y.o.
187 cm (6' 2'')
91 kg (202 lbs)
Age: 54 y.o.
187 cm (6' 2'')
85 kg (189 lbs)
charliec333 Preferences
Any type of partner will do
  • United States
  • Friendship (friendship and communication; correspondence)
About myself

About me OK I like the outdoors, hiking, fishing, bowling, baseball, "the dodgers" and movies. I'm from small town USA in Cali. I love to travel everywhere. I have been to southeast Asia, eastern Europe, Mexico, Canada and 49 states. I like all types of music except classical it kind of puts me to sleep. I more of type of person that goes outdoors to have fun. You wouldn't find me at a club or rave maybe at a bar or two. I speak little bit of polish since my mom is from that country not the most attractive language. One day I do want to become a cop or own a business. I'm a big movie buff you can say. My personality I'm little shy at first but I like to joke a lot I think life should be fun and not sad. One favorite place to be is the beach or the mountains, I don't like the city or the desert that much. Music I listen to most is probably going to be rock and country. I'm not much of a artistic person but I grew up around a lot artistic people, I'm a athlete I did get scout in high school for baseball then got hurt which sucks but, that's OK because I do marital arts and bowling for fun. I do work out every day. I'm not a serious work out person I'm not going to run 5 miles a day. But I do stay shape much as I can. I love food who doesn't you have eat to survive. I did kind grew up in the valley so I like Bob's Big boy in/out, cupids, jack, Tommys and of course 31 flavors cause if you don't like ice cream you might want to set up a appointment with a doctor. My political beliefs are in the middle of the road to just not caring. I love adventures I truly do I mean I have been to places in the world other people hear about in the news and say that is dangerous oh well I was there and it was fun. My job is a adventures thing message me and find out why it is adventures. I like old things to, I like old movies,old cars and old trinkets. I'm a animal lover for sure I grew up with two wolves, a kick out killer German shepherd cop dog and a mutt. Well this all I can think of right now to write so message me if I missed anything if you want to know.

187 cm (6' 2'')
87 kg (193 lbs)
White / Caucasian
No, but would like to have
Get in touch with me to find out about piercing
More details about tatoos when we meet
Life and work
Did not answer
No further details at this time
Prefer not to say
I will add something about my interests later
Pernicious habits
Have never used
Not drink at all

People Near charliec333

Age: 29 y.o. 
186 cm (6' 1'')
86 kg (191 lbs)
Age: 64 y.o. 
180 cm (5' 11'')
90 kg (200 lbs)
Age: 38 y.o. 
171 cm (5' 7'')
71 kg (158 lbs)
Age: 38 y.o. 
190 cm (6' 3'')
98 kg (218 lbs)
Age: 38 y.o. 
193 cm (6' 4'')
119 kg (264 lbs)
Age: 38 y.o. 
177 cm (5' 10'')
81 kg (180 lbs)
Age: 53 y.o. 
187 cm (6' 2'')
91 kg (202 lbs)
Age: 54 y.o. 
187 cm (6' 2'')
85 kg (189 lbs)
Age: 29 y.o.
186 cm (6' 1'')
86 kg (191 lbs)
Age: 64 y.o.
180 cm (5' 11'')
90 kg (200 lbs)
Age: 38 y.o.
171 cm (5' 7'')
71 kg (158 lbs)
Age: 38 y.o.
190 cm (6' 3'')
98 kg (218 lbs)
Age: 38 y.o.
193 cm (6' 4'')
119 kg (264 lbs)
Age: 38 y.o.
177 cm (5' 10'')
81 kg (180 lbs)
Age: 53 y.o.
187 cm (6' 2'')
91 kg (202 lbs)
Age: 54 y.o.
187 cm (6' 2'')
85 kg (189 lbs)