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Meet Single Dutch woman from Arnhem

Age: 55 y.o, woman, Single
Location: Netherlands, Arnhem
Zodiac sign: Aquarius (check compatibility)
Status: Unverified

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Paulinew Dutch Woman from Arnhem
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Paulinew Dutch Woman from Arnhem
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Paulinew Dutch Woman from Arnhem
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Paulinew Dutch Woman from Arnhem
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People Near Paulinew

Age: 55 y.o. 
163 cm (5' 4'')
68 kg (151 lbs)
Age: 47 y.o. 
172 cm (5' 8'')
61 kg (136 lbs)
Age: 65 y.o. 
161 cm (5' 3'')
51 kg (113 lbs)
Age: 53 y.o. 
157 cm (5' 2'')
48 kg (107 lbs)
Age: 41 y.o. 
180 cm (5' 11'')
63 kg (140 lbs)
Age: 64 y.o. 
176 cm (5' 9'')
66 kg (147 lbs)
Age: 39 y.o. 
165 cm (5' 5'')
54 kg (120 lbs)
Age: 41 y.o. 
178 cm (5' 10'')
85 kg (189 lbs)
Age: 55 y.o.
163 cm (5' 4'')
68 kg (151 lbs)
Age: 47 y.o.
172 cm (5' 8'')
61 kg (136 lbs)
Age: 65 y.o.
161 cm (5' 3'')
51 kg (113 lbs)
Age: 53 y.o.
157 cm (5' 2'')
48 kg (107 lbs)
Age: 41 y.o.
180 cm (5' 11'')
63 kg (140 lbs)
Age: 64 y.o.
176 cm (5' 9'')
66 kg (147 lbs)
Age: 39 y.o.
165 cm (5' 5'')
54 kg (120 lbs)
Age: 41 y.o.
178 cm (5' 10'')
85 kg (189 lbs)
Paulinew Preferences
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  • Vietnam
  • Virgin Islands British
  • Virgin Islands U.s.
180 cm (5' 11'') - 190 cm (6' 3'')
  • Marriage (Lifelong relationship, family, children)
  • Casual dating (Non-stressful hangouts that occur before you decide you actually want to get serious)
35 - 45
About myself

I am an independent woman, who is honest and trustfull. I love to walk in the forest and along the river, I wish to share it with you. I am a very spiritual person an can contact with my love ones who are past away. My friend has past away and when I need him, he is there to support me. He is helping me in my live, but live is going on on earth, that is why I am seeking for my soulmate I believe in live after death. I can see what most people do not see. I am soft and a gentle person and very sensitive. I love children and animals. I have a gift with children and animals, I can feel what they need. With only love you can feel... I do have children who do not live with me, in the age of twenty two, twenty three, nighteen and sixteen years old. The oldes two live on there own. The jungest with there father. There doing all fine. My oldest two have both a good relationship. The other two are going to school. I did not have an easy live, but I am over it and I am moving on with my live. I want to start a new live with my new soulmate and wish to have children with you. That is the greatest gift of all. I believe only in loving one man, so I am monogame. I love to dance and I am level headed. I am a very positive person and very happy with my live, only wish to share it with you. I do not take nothing for les. Or you go for it or not. That is my motto. I am very romantic. I love to be supriced. I like nice poems. I love to be supriced with lovely flowers. That is so romantic.... I allways see the bright side of live, even in difficult times, not that I cant cry, even when you are sad, you can laugh again. I love to dance, dancing heals everything in me. Live is for me very presious. I like to have fun with you, for no reason. I believe that love never explain, love is just there in your heart. No where els. I follow my heart allways. I am myself in many ways, I laugh, I cry, I have fun, I am quiet, I am romantic, I am peacefull and I am loveble. Love go's very deep with me, I see it in the little things of live. Just a smile of a child, a dog saying hello, sharing love, laugh together, cry together, have fun together, support each other, be there for each other, nature, listen to the birds, dancing, helping each other, see the inside of you. Your heart, that is allways beautifull to see. I am worth fighting for, because I am easy and loveble. I am a open person, who never lie. I am assertive, I know what I am doing. I am a person who does not hurt anyone. Love does not hurt anyone. When I dance nobody can stop me...I believe that if you do not respect the little things in live, you are no worth the big things in live. I am self consciouns and have a high consiouns. I love to hug. I am more thant only my body, I have a feeling too. I am sincerely and respectfull. I do not believe in coincidences, everything what happen in your live, happens for a reason, to get closer to yourself, for who you realy are. We are all mirrors for each other. We help each other, so you can get closer to your dreams. When you follow your heart, your dream will allways come true. My dream is to find my soulmate and have more children and a nice lovely dog. To share the good things in live. To be there for each other when you are hurt. Mostly it will be a good day, because you are the one who can make the day get shine. I shine to others, so they can remember to shine to. I am never selfisch. Nature is everything to me and I want to share it with my new soulmate. When you have win my heart, than my love will be deep for you and will never end. Do not be afraid for real love, because I am a person who wants to share love. I just need to share it with the one who can see me for who I am. To see the beauty of my heart. To share every beauty that is in live. I am a social type and a peacefull type. I am a person who does not like it so crowdey, but do not mind a few people arround me. I am more a family type and just the people I work with. When I am at home I enjoy the peacefull silens, but still I do miss a soulmate I can talk with and be peacefull together. I love harmony, I never start a fight, because, it is not nessesary, to have a fight. I am just happy for who I am and, love to have a soulmate, who is happy with himself and want to share it with me. Someone open, who never need to hide anything. With real love you do not need to hide. Only a open person, can live with me. I cant live with a man who is not open to me. Who never share with me. I need someone who can stream. If you do not love yourself enough, than do not respond on my profile. Because if you do not love yourself enough, than do not respond on my profile. Because if you do not love yourself, than you can never love an other. That is what I need, is love. I am a woman who believes in an equal relationship, with communication. I am a social type, so without communication, there is no way the relationship will work. Without sharing it the same way. I like to share and communicate with my new soulmate or partner ( what ever you may call it). I love to travel to nice places and visite restaurants. I love visite cultures, history and nature. I am willing to rolate, when I have found my soulmate or a new partner. I like to communicate with my future partner. I am a woman who like to be treat with respect and love. One lie to me, the relationship will end right away. I can feel it right away too. I never wait until my hair start to get grey, for commitment. There are many men, who like me very mutch so, who get the first meal, with have a great meal. I love party's, but not all the time. I like variation in my live. I believe love at first site and stays until the end, so if you read and look at my profile and for you it is love at first site, than respond, othe wise leave it, because I do not believe in try t make it work. I ama person who needs to grow with my partner, with real love you can not imagen. Just knowing, you are the one, to be with forever. I need someone who can see me and respect me, never let me fall. That is real love to me. I will make my dream come true. If you send me only a cuple of times a mail full of act , than do not respond at all, because I am a person who want to commuciate with the man, who is realy interested in me. I do not believe in first mail mutch and than suddenly, leave or less. Ow yes, I only want you to mail me in the beginning and than I want contact in person, in a honest and respectfull way. Only respond when you are looking for serieus relationship. than respond on my profile. You can only grow together, if you see each other in person. I want to communicate with my new soulmate and partner, my soulmate would understand, anyway. A soulmate allways does. It is very natural too. I want to have a healthy and natural relationship and I do not believe that you can grow with one person, if you have more than one to build on a relationship. I do not believe in half relationships. I am a hole person. With full personality. When you take time for each other, than you can feel, that love never can stop. Love takes time. I specialy in the beginning of the relationship is regular contact needed. That is if you are realy in love with me. Love wants to be together. Than you know fast, wich way it go's. You need a kind of connection together. I can feel when there is a connection. I believe that when you share the same dreams, than you are on the same level. Only than I will respond on you. Love is pure and open. I believe to be total open with you and I espect the same way with you. If you think I am not normal, than you are looking at your own mirrror. Do not try to fool me, because I know it right away. A lot of men try to fool me and I know it in a second. I am happy, that I have this gift. I am blond, but not stupit. My advise to you all, choose for love, mony, sex and power does not mix with love. With mony, sex and power you get empty and alone and borded soon. When these things starts to be to importend, than you know what happends, it never last. With love you are never borded and forfilled with happyness, that never ends. With love you reseve everything you need. Nature and love mix with each other and with me.... Love heals everything, fear, lonelyness, anger, sadness ect. Music heals, nature heals, the forest, the sea, the river and animals. Animals show us how te be happy with ourselfs. Animals show us to share, without fear. The same is with children, children, remember us to share, with love, to trust yourself and others. It is not importend who you look like or what you do, it is importend, what you send out, that is inside of you. If a man does not realy hunt at me and cost me to mutch energy, than, I finish fast. I am a person who loves to communicate, but in balance. I believe only in a equal relationship. I am a women with a pure heart, that will not allow to let anyone abuse this, pure of heart. I will not fillup others lonelyness. I do share, but not to fillup lonelyness. I wll not be your mother I am a lady and want to be treated like lady. I believe that a man invest in a woman and not the other way arround. A succes of a married, does not depent on what day you have or wich situation you in, succes of a married, is to be faithfull to each other. I do not like long distand relationships, I am willing to rolate.

168 cm (5' 6'')
45 kg (100 lbs)
I will add more information later
Prefer not to answer that ethnicity question
Yes, living separately
Life and work
More details when we meet
No further details at this time
A "lark" - early to bed, early to rise
  • well-being
  • inner harmony
  • family
  • long-term relationships
  • go for a walk
  • read
  • be on my own
  • entertain guests
  • go out-of-doors
  • go to a theatre
  • go to museums
  • Pets
  • Arts
  • Traveling
  • Religion
  • Theatre
  • Photography
  • Pop
  • Classical
  • Dance music
  • Walks
  • Cycling
  • Yoga and meditation
Pernicious habits
Not drink at all

People Near Paulinew

Age: 55 y.o. 
163 cm (5' 4'')
68 kg (151 lbs)
Age: 47 y.o. 
172 cm (5' 8'')
61 kg (136 lbs)
Age: 65 y.o. 
161 cm (5' 3'')
51 kg (113 lbs)
Age: 53 y.o. 
157 cm (5' 2'')
48 kg (107 lbs)
Age: 41 y.o. 
180 cm (5' 11'')
63 kg (140 lbs)
Age: 64 y.o. 
176 cm (5' 9'')
66 kg (147 lbs)
Age: 39 y.o. 
165 cm (5' 5'')
54 kg (120 lbs)
Age: 41 y.o. 
178 cm (5' 10'')
85 kg (189 lbs)
Age: 55 y.o.
163 cm (5' 4'')
68 kg (151 lbs)
Age: 47 y.o.
172 cm (5' 8'')
61 kg (136 lbs)
Age: 65 y.o.
161 cm (5' 3'')
51 kg (113 lbs)
Age: 53 y.o.
157 cm (5' 2'')
48 kg (107 lbs)
Age: 41 y.o.
180 cm (5' 11'')
63 kg (140 lbs)
Age: 64 y.o.
176 cm (5' 9'')
66 kg (147 lbs)
Age: 39 y.o.
165 cm (5' 5'')
54 kg (120 lbs)
Age: 41 y.o.
178 cm (5' 10'')
85 kg (189 lbs)