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Meet Divorced American man from Irvington

Age: 59 y.o, man, Divorced
Location: United States, New Jersey, Irvington
Zodiac sign: Libra (check compatibility)
Status: Suspended. Required verification

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seekingluv1 American Man from Irvington
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People Near seekingluv1

Age: 61 y.o. 
190 cm (6' 3'')
107 kg (238 lbs)
Age: 60 y.o. 
175 cm (5' 9'')
71 kg (158 lbs)
Age: 62 y.o. 
168 cm (5' 6'')
88 kg (196 lbs)
Age: 61 y.o. 
181 cm (5' 11'')
81 kg (180 lbs)
Age: 56 y.o. 
Age: 62 y.o. 
180 cm (5' 11'')
85 kg (189 lbs)
Age: 63 y.o. 
172 cm (5' 8'')
89 kg (198 lbs)
Age: 63 y.o. 
194 cm (6' 4'')
111 kg (247 lbs)
Age: 61 y.o.
190 cm (6' 3'')
107 kg (238 lbs)
Age: 60 y.o.
175 cm (5' 9'')
71 kg (158 lbs)
Age: 62 y.o.
168 cm (5' 6'')
88 kg (196 lbs)
Age: 61 y.o.
181 cm (5' 11'')
81 kg (180 lbs)
Age: 56 y.o.
Age: 62 y.o.
180 cm (5' 11'')
85 kg (189 lbs)
Age: 63 y.o.
172 cm (5' 8'')
89 kg (198 lbs)
Age: 63 y.o.
194 cm (6' 4'')
111 kg (247 lbs)
seekingluv1 Preferences
  • United States
  • Friendship (friendship and communication; correspondence)
  • Virtual relationships (Chat / talk / e-mail)
  • Dating (Short or long-term relationships, commitments and monogamy)
  • Marriage (Lifelong relationship, family, children)
  • Casual dating (Non-stressful hangouts that occur before you decide you actually want to get serious)
About myself

When was the last time you rest peacefully in the arms of your lover You can hear her heart beating passionately for you; her breath gently caresses the back of your neck, and gives you the euphoric sensation. she kisses, ever so softly, with the hint of mint, like the welcoming sunshine in the spring. her skin, cool to the touch yet warm by nature, caresses yours, like leaves rustle to the summer rain. You feel her curves , like the autumn breeze strolling over the rolling hills.she smiles, openly, kindly, and lightly, like the fresh snowflakes falling onto your face. her voice, sometimes the lightening thunders, sometimes the wherpering rains, is all music to your ears. her quirky sense of humor, whether funny or not, brings out the laughter of your life. Making love is not about having sex; it is about living life together, everyday. Sex, like the icing on the cake, can only be good to certain extend. Meanwhile, making love is about cooking for two, writing a romantic card, going to a ball game, attending a concert, walking in a park talking about future, quarreling about nothing, watching silly TV shows, visiting dear friends, crying together, and encouraging each other. After all, love is not given, it is built on. You start with a fire of passion, and ignite the affection within. However, without frequently adding TLC logs, and constantly kindle and tender the fire, it will die down and die out eventually. I am psychically fit, take good care of myself, look younger than my age. I love hiking, with friends or just by myself. In September, I am emotionally stable, dedicated to family (and my beloved, if there will be one). I am not into dating scene, and doesn't believe in label. I am just a man who likes woman,. I support the Less privilege community but don't need a red ribbon to show (off). I like my life simple... Simplicity is beauty. As for you: caring mature and manner. I hope you treasure every moment of life but take yourself lightly. After all, yesterday has passed and tomorrow is not here. I hope your inner beauty brings out your good look. I hope know the value of a dollar but far from materialistic. Most of all, I hope we click when we have the opportunity to take risk.

179 cm (5' 10'')
82 kg (182 lbs)
I need to check
I'll answer this in one-on-one communication
Yes, living together
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Life and work
I'd rather not tell
I'll answer this in one-on-one communication
This info is available only upon personal request
I'll let you guess
I prefer not to tell
Pernicious habits
Have never used

People Near seekingluv1

Age: 61 y.o. 
190 cm (6' 3'')
107 kg (238 lbs)
Age: 60 y.o. 
175 cm (5' 9'')
71 kg (158 lbs)
Age: 62 y.o. 
168 cm (5' 6'')
88 kg (196 lbs)
Age: 61 y.o. 
181 cm (5' 11'')
81 kg (180 lbs)
Age: 56 y.o. 
Age: 62 y.o. 
180 cm (5' 11'')
85 kg (189 lbs)
Age: 63 y.o. 
172 cm (5' 8'')
89 kg (198 lbs)
Age: 63 y.o. 
194 cm (6' 4'')
111 kg (247 lbs)
Age: 61 y.o.
190 cm (6' 3'')
107 kg (238 lbs)
Age: 60 y.o.
175 cm (5' 9'')
71 kg (158 lbs)
Age: 62 y.o.
168 cm (5' 6'')
88 kg (196 lbs)
Age: 61 y.o.
181 cm (5' 11'')
81 kg (180 lbs)
Age: 56 y.o.
Age: 62 y.o.
180 cm (5' 11'')
85 kg (189 lbs)
Age: 63 y.o.
172 cm (5' 8'')
89 kg (198 lbs)
Age: 63 y.o.
194 cm (6' 4'')
111 kg (247 lbs)