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Meet Single American man from Inverness

Age: 52 y.o, man, Single
Location: United States, Florida, Inverness
Zodiac sign: Gemini (check compatibility)
Status: Unverified

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Guy-4-gal American  from Inverness

People Near Guy-4-gal

Age: 38 y.o. 
165 cm (5' 5'')
105 kg (233 lbs)
Age: 53 y.o. 
182 cm (6' 0'')
106 kg (236 lbs)
Age: 76 y.o. 
175 cm (5' 9'')
85 kg (189 lbs)
Age: 80 y.o. 
177 cm (5' 10'')
117 kg (260 lbs)
Age: 44 y.o. 
189 cm (6' 2'')
117 kg (260 lbs)
Age: 67 y.o. 
177 cm (5' 10'')
57 kg (127 lbs)
Age: 69 y.o. 
189 cm (6' 2'')
99 kg (220 lbs)
Age: 62 y.o. 
171 cm (5' 7'')
76 kg (169 lbs)
Age: 38 y.o.
165 cm (5' 5'')
105 kg (233 lbs)
Age: 53 y.o.
182 cm (6' 0'')
106 kg (236 lbs)
Age: 76 y.o.
175 cm (5' 9'')
85 kg (189 lbs)
Age: 80 y.o.
177 cm (5' 10'')
117 kg (260 lbs)
Age: 44 y.o.
189 cm (6' 2'')
117 kg (260 lbs)
Age: 67 y.o.
177 cm (5' 10'')
57 kg (127 lbs)
Age: 69 y.o.
189 cm (6' 2'')
99 kg (220 lbs)
Age: 62 y.o.
171 cm (5' 7'')
76 kg (169 lbs)
Guy-4-gal Preferences

Made it this far huh? Good! Now that that is out of the way.


Are well grounded in reality and have reasonable expectations.

Are mostly friendly and polite

Eat well and have good hygiene (I shouldn’t have to ask this, but I still unfortunately need to)

Are civil

Have a healthy sense of sarcasm and humor. Dark and/or off color humor is a plus.

Eat meat, or at least will not have a cow when I do. Including cooking steak indoors in a frying pan.

Are a dog person.

Have a good ability to organize. I’m bad at this one and don’t need help in making things worse.

Enjoy a bit of travel every now and again.

Are open to the possibility of moving abroad.

Are in good shape. Physically, emotionally, medically, etc.

Can go from digging in the garden to dressed to the nines in about an hour.

Can watch tv/movies/comedy without being offended about everything.

Are educated or at least willing to get educated.

  • United States
157 cm (5' 2'') - 174 cm (5' 8'')
  • Dating (Short or long-term relationships, commitments and monogamy)
25 - 40
About myself


I enjoy and appreciate the natural world, sometimes just sitting and watching the critters interact.

I have a BS in Business Administration and hold a high value on education.

I’m jeopardy smart, though still not sure if it’s a good or bad thing.

I enjoy good food. American greek italian Mexican, and can cook a bit (though results vary on occasion).

I have a genuine appreciation for the liberal application of common sense, there just can’t be enough of it in the world.

I like classic rock, metal, and old country. Not into urban, rap, or disco.

I enjoy the occasional trip to nowhere specific, if just to get a change of scenery.

I’m full of ideas. Some even good or bad enough to write down to laugh at later.

If I had to hang a sign around my neck it would read “gun toting hippie”. The peace keeping, laid back, mostly lawful, pot smoking kind. Not the showerless, barefoot, unkept, eat from a dumpster, commune living kind.

Politically I am in the middle, though I tend to lean conservatively.

I’m effectively retired, never married, no kids, no debt. I live within my means, and expect the same in reciprocity.

I am politically incorrect at times. I’m at peace with it, and things are not likely subject to change.

The short list:

Think co-independent relationship.

No debt queens. College/mortgage/necessary debt is one thing. Making a car payment (or more) monthly to mastercard, best buy, etc. is quite another.

No snowflakes, SJW’s, PC’s, alphabet people, or the like. It just ain’t gonna work.

No crazy abortion clinic protestors. It’s personal plus your brother may be home making a move on your daughter while you’re away screaming at strangers.

No cat ladies. I refuse to deal with the smell. I don’t care, I can still smell it no matter how clean you claim it is, and whether you can or not. The cat need not be present.

No junkies or alcoholics. A little pot, a few glasses of alcohol, something like that fine, no problem. No heroin, meth, pills, crack, needles, day drunks, bad scenes, etc. If it looks like content for Jerry Springer or a Vice documentary I don’t want to be around it, near it, or want it in my home.

No pain/weird/gross shit. Water sports, scat, small animals, choking, etc. (Boring ain’t I?)

No extreme right or extreme left politics. I view them as equally insane and I absolutely loathe both.

No food allergies or special diets. My diet primarily consists of all the things that you cannot eat.

No flat earthers.

No head to toe ink, especially on the face. A tasteful, well done tattoo or 2 can be a nice personal accent. Same goes with adding 10 pounds of hanging jewelry and sounding like a walking wind chime. A little bit just goes so much further.

No religious zealots or the devout. I’m just not interested in joining your cult.

No diseased people. You know who you are. If it is worse than a cold sore, you can keep it to yourself.

168 cm (5' 6'')
57 kg (127 lbs)
I'm still working on my profile.
White / Caucasian
Life and work
A "night owl" - like to stay up late
  • read
  • be on my own
  • play the computer
  • surf the Internet
  • Research
  • Cars
  • Business and finances
  • Computers and Internet
  • Science
  • Politics and law
  • Traveling
  • Rock
  • Metal, some country
Pernicious habits
Trying to give up
This info is available only upon personal request

People Near Guy-4-gal

Age: 38 y.o. 
165 cm (5' 5'')
105 kg (233 lbs)
Age: 53 y.o. 
182 cm (6' 0'')
106 kg (236 lbs)
Age: 76 y.o. 
175 cm (5' 9'')
85 kg (189 lbs)
Age: 80 y.o. 
177 cm (5' 10'')
117 kg (260 lbs)
Age: 44 y.o. 
189 cm (6' 2'')
117 kg (260 lbs)
Age: 67 y.o. 
177 cm (5' 10'')
57 kg (127 lbs)
Age: 69 y.o. 
189 cm (6' 2'')
99 kg (220 lbs)
Age: 62 y.o. 
171 cm (5' 7'')
76 kg (169 lbs)
Age: 38 y.o.
165 cm (5' 5'')
105 kg (233 lbs)
Age: 53 y.o.
182 cm (6' 0'')
106 kg (236 lbs)
Age: 76 y.o.
175 cm (5' 9'')
85 kg (189 lbs)
Age: 80 y.o.
177 cm (5' 10'')
117 kg (260 lbs)
Age: 44 y.o.
189 cm (6' 2'')
117 kg (260 lbs)
Age: 67 y.o.
177 cm (5' 10'')
57 kg (127 lbs)
Age: 69 y.o.
189 cm (6' 2'')
99 kg (220 lbs)
Age: 62 y.o.
171 cm (5' 7'')
76 kg (169 lbs)