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Meet Single American man from Atlanta

Age: 34 y.o, man, Single
Location: United States, Georgia, Atlanta
Zodiac sign: Cancer (check compatibility)
Status: Unverified

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Adrien American Man from Atlanta
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People Near Adrien

Age: 42 y.o. 
198 cm (6' 6'')
94 kg (209 lbs)
Age: 74 y.o. 
167 cm (5' 6'')
54 kg (120 lbs)
Age: 40 y.o. 
187 cm (6' 2'')
93 kg (207 lbs)
Age: 42 y.o. 
177 cm (5' 10'')
94 kg (209 lbs)
Age: 35 y.o. 
165 cm (5' 5'')
59 kg (131 lbs)
Age: 60 y.o. 
149 cm (4' 11'')
40 kg (89 lbs)
Age: 62 y.o. 
183 cm (6' 0'')
95 kg (211 lbs)
Age: 54 y.o. 
Age: 42 y.o.
198 cm (6' 6'')
94 kg (209 lbs)
Age: 74 y.o.
167 cm (5' 6'')
54 kg (120 lbs)
Age: 40 y.o.
187 cm (6' 2'')
93 kg (207 lbs)
Age: 42 y.o.
177 cm (5' 10'')
94 kg (209 lbs)
Age: 35 y.o.
165 cm (5' 5'')
59 kg (131 lbs)
Age: 60 y.o.
149 cm (4' 11'')
40 kg (89 lbs)
Age: 62 y.o.
183 cm (6' 0'')
95 kg (211 lbs)
Age: 54 y.o.
Adrien Preferences
I don't have one
  • United States
  • Friendship (friendship and communication; correspondence)
  • Virtual relationships (Chat / talk / e-mail)
  • Dating (Short or long-term relationships, commitments and monogamy)
  • Marriage (Lifelong relationship, family, children)
  • Casual dating (Non-stressful hangouts that occur before you decide you actually want to get serious)
About myself

I'm originally from the country of Romania. I have moved around several times and was able to finally call Georgia home. I like to swim and exercise here and there. I am a huge movie fan. I don't go to the movies, I like to buy them when they come out on DVD. I am also a big music fan. I love various types of music. There is probably not one moment you wouldn't see me not listening to some song. Classical Music is what I grew up on. I have a fine appreciation for the arts. I always acted older then my age. Most of the things that are twenty year old does now-like get drunk or party is really not the scene for me. I like relaxing at home-I'll watch anything on television at least once. Not a big fan of the romantic movies-it seems to me like the main title is they lived happily ever after, and its not always that way in real life. I like to write as you can probably tell already. I am not real big on relationships at this moment but don't mind talking to you, and if you like me you like me. I am my own person-no(B.S). I love to laugh-like watching movies like Mrs.Doubtfire with Robin Williams-I was practically in tears the whole time I watched it. Tears meaning tears of laughter. Right now in this period of my life I would like a relationship but the only way to build that is to be friends first. I don't mind if you want to be a friend to me-I don't have very many people that are my friends since most of them have stabbed me in the back, but the ones I do have I never want to let them go. If you would like to know more send me an IM or a message whatever you feel like at the time. I wouldn't mind hearing from you. Thanks

166 cm (5' 5'')
46 kg (102 lbs)
No info
This info is available only upon personal request
No, but would like to have
I'll answer this in one-on-one communication
Let's talk and I'll tell you
Life and work
Let's chat and I'll tell you
Let's talk and I'll tell you
Get in touch with me to find out
I prefer not to tell
No answer
Pernicious habits
Have never used
Not drink at all

People Near Adrien

Age: 42 y.o. 
198 cm (6' 6'')
94 kg (209 lbs)
Age: 74 y.o. 
167 cm (5' 6'')
54 kg (120 lbs)
Age: 40 y.o. 
187 cm (6' 2'')
93 kg (207 lbs)
Age: 42 y.o. 
177 cm (5' 10'')
94 kg (209 lbs)
Age: 35 y.o. 
165 cm (5' 5'')
59 kg (131 lbs)
Age: 60 y.o. 
149 cm (4' 11'')
40 kg (89 lbs)
Age: 62 y.o. 
183 cm (6' 0'')
95 kg (211 lbs)
Age: 54 y.o. 
Age: 42 y.o.
198 cm (6' 6'')
94 kg (209 lbs)
Age: 74 y.o.
167 cm (5' 6'')
54 kg (120 lbs)
Age: 40 y.o.
187 cm (6' 2'')
93 kg (207 lbs)
Age: 42 y.o.
177 cm (5' 10'')
94 kg (209 lbs)
Age: 35 y.o.
165 cm (5' 5'')
59 kg (131 lbs)
Age: 60 y.o.
149 cm (4' 11'')
40 kg (89 lbs)
Age: 62 y.o.
183 cm (6' 0'')
95 kg (211 lbs)
Age: 54 y.o.